Friday, 12 July 2013

Sheer Passion and Determination: Zoe Vincent shares her inspirational story!

This girl is one of the reasons I began CrossFit in Nelson. I would admire her determination and passion for CrossFit and most importantly, the results she was getting in such a short time frame! I feel very lucky to have become Friends with Zoe Vincent and delighted that I get to share her inspirational story with you.

Now just like any of us, Zoe's journey has not come easy and her results show pure determination and passion. Zoe too has taken small steps to success. Please read on while I take you through her journey.

Before: This is Zoe before she began CrossFit and The Paleo Lifestyle 

During: Here are two photos of Zoe after she began CrossFit. The first one is 10 months ago and the last one is just recent. Zoe adds that it is important to mention she is EXACTLY the same weight on the scales as the above photo.

Zoe's Story

I asked Zoe these eight questions.

1. When did you start the Paleo Diet?
2. What motivated you to begin the Paleo Lifestyle?
3. What did you find hard in the beginning?
4. What helped you?
5. What are some of the benefits for you?
6. When did you start noticing the changes?
7. What would you tell someone who wants to start out?
8. What's your favourite Paleo meal?

Zoe's Reply

I started Paleo back Feb 1st. I set the date, had it in my mind and went completely cold turkey rather than slowly eliminating 'non paleo' foods. 

I was motivated to start as I moved to the Gold Coast and joined a CrossFit Box here whom all push the Paleo Lifestyle a lot. They have private forums where they share recipes so you are never bored with your cooking, and your results are so closely monitored its hard not to eat well. They drill us that eating is more important than your training, you can't out train a bad diet. 

The hardest part is living with girls my age who don't really understand the concept of Paleo or lean eating, so having foods around the house that I don't eat. I am past the stage where I have to walk away from the 'junk' to avoid eating it- but of course its easier when its not around, we are all human.
What's helped me? Having competitions at least once a month- they keep you motivated, grounded and on track. Every time you leave a comp theres so many things you want to work on and improve on, and it brings you straight back down to earth. 

The major benefits of the Paleo lifestyle for me are my energy levels, I have noticed a considerable difference. I am no longer getting that 3pm 'I need a caffeine or sugar fix', I'm sleeping better, I can train harder, and I am an all round happier more energetic person. 

I never really notice changes in my body. I guess because you see yourself every day its so gradual. People comment but you just can't see it yourself. I more notice in my weights at training. I look back from six months ago and almost all of my 1RMs have improved greatly. Thats the biggest change I see which motivates me the most. 

For someone wanting to start the Paleo Lifestyle I'd tell them its not a 'diet' its a life style change. I am sick of peoples comments about the 'diet' I am on. It's a lifestyle change, you are allowed to stuff up, have a set back- its all normal. DO NOT knock it until you try it. I would tell them clean paleo eating doesn't mean you don't get the 'sweet treats' like everyone else, its not boring like people label it, there's plenty of variety and your never bored. You can still go out for dinner and social events, you just have to be ballsy in what you ask for. Organisation and preparation is really the key, but if you can stick to it, you'll reap the benefits. You'll want to spread the word because this lifestyle is so awesome and makes you feel so good!

I don't really have a favourite Paleo meal- I love it all- I love meat and vege I don't need anything fancy & thats why it suits me. I don't miss pasta or bread, because I can make 'Paleo Brownies or cake' etc, there's always an alternative. 

Ask me more questions hahaha I love it!! 

So thank you Zoe for sharing this story. Your passion for CrossFit and The Paleo Lifestyle shines through! Well done, you should be so proud! 

I think it is important to find what motivates you and competitions/ results in training obviously motivates Zoe. I will finish with this question, what motivates you?? keep searching for that answer. 

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