Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Day 30: The Beginning Of My Journey

Ok so I am at my last day of the Paleo/CrossFit challenge but I feel like this is not the end for me it is only the beginning. I have learned so much about myself, The Paleo diet, my health and what my body can handle over the past 30 days that it has motivated me to continue on this journey. Over the past 30 days I have had absolutely no sugar, only natural sugars derived from fruits. I have eaten all natural foods with no perservatives. I have increased the amount of green vegetables I eat daily and the amount of food I consume daily. I am eating more of the good stuff which makes me need less of the bad stuff! I am stronger physically and mentally in my training and I have become more positive about body image.

I am someone who has always been into sport, in particular the last two years I have been into the gym and lifting weights. Last year I was playing rugby, netball and sevens all at the same time and would sometimes have up to three trainings a day (gym and conditioning included). Due to poor diet choices and over training I never made any results physically and was always mentally drained. I found it hard to sustain this lifestyle and I don't recommend it to anyone who is working full time.

After a burnout I made a new years resolution this year which I more or less stick to (sometimes I train twice in holidays and weekends). I now train once a day and it is a quality training every time (usually CrossFit, a run, spin class or a strength session in the gym). I have one to two rest days a week and on those days I do light training (either yoga, a technique session or practice). I have a healthier and cleaner diet than I ever have before and I view food in a different way now. More as nourishment to my working body rather than a reward. In the past 30 days I have made more results than I have in my several years of trying different sports/types of training.

I recommend CrossFit to people who lack motivation as it is addictive and the people are great. There are so many positives to the type of training if you do it wisely with very few negatives. CrossFit is social, fun, and rewarding in many ways. The Paleo Diet really fits well with the CrossFit type training.

This challenge is one of the best things I have done in my life. It has helped me to learn a lot about myself. I cannot wait to continue my CrossFit/Paleo journey and begin a new adventure in Perth!!! (I will definitely be having a few treats here and there and a few going away parties haha).

When I began the challenge I posted a research article on the benefits of the Paleo Diet (see list below). I can tell you with honestly and dignity that I can tick each and every one of those off! I am SOLD!!! I love this lifestyle. However I am going to finish with a quote that I read in the Good Health Magazine tonight and I think it was meant to be... 'If you constantly restrict yourself from certain foods you'll eventually binge; it's not sustainable. It's about BALANCE!!!' *stay tuned to my blog for new and exciting recipes, success stories from people living the Paleo Lifestyle, and information on home workouts/fitness you can do anywhere. SO NO EXCUSES!!!

Advantages of The Paleo Diet
  •       Weight loss
  • ·      Improved mood
  • ·      Increase in lean muscle mass
  • ·      Increase in energy
  • ·      Improved digestion
  • ·      Clear skin
  • ·      More efficient workouts
  • ·      Stable blood sugar
  • ·      Decreased allergies
  • ·      Improved sleep
  • ·      Less inflammation
Daily Food Intake (shared lunch in class today and craving carbs!!! Hard work!)
*I must have not eaten enough yesterday as I woke up many times through the night thinking about food and starving! Today I aim to not go to bed hungry.

Breakfast: Pan Fried Fish, Fried Greens, 1/4 Avocado
Snack: 1/2 piece of Paleo Bread with 1 teaspoon of Almond butter, 1 small mandarin
Lunch: 1 cup fried greens (made at breakfast time), 1 can Sealord Smoked Tuna, 1 Raw mixed nuts
Snack: Palm size salmon
Post WOD: Protein Shake with water
Dinner: I had the best day ever and to top it off I came home to a beautifully cooked meal from my lovely mother! Salmon Kebab, Roast kumara and steamed veggies. My favourite!!! I love Salmon Kebabs.

Here are some pictures of the end of the challenge. I am not a fan of them but I think it's important to put them up so you can see the progress! I must say todays WOD 'Death by DU's' was literally death!!!

This is me and my sister. Thin but not toned/strong

This is me at probably my thinest. I was about 48kg and not very well.

My new shoes that arrived today!! Custom colours and have been waiting weeks for them!

Pictures today! Day 30! Hate my injured shoulder that droops! haha

Body Fat Results over the challenge! This is not a true reading as the only true reading of BF that you can get is a hydrostatic weigh. This is just a guide and has been done consistently. Same time of the day, Day 1, Day 15 and Day 30.

Death By DU's! No explanation needed!

This is me a couple of years ago. Probably at my heaviest but still happy :) Goals change though and people change!

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