Friday, 28 June 2013

Home Workout Challenge Three

Feel like something yummy? Love Totillas? Try this recipe I found!! Use as a pizza base, a wrap and add your favourite Paleo Fillings! But first...complete this short workout. 


  • Tortillas
  • 6 egg whites or about ¾ cup
  • 3½ tablespoons coconut flour
  • 4 tablespoons almond milk
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon ground cumin
  • ½ teaspoon chili powder
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic salt


  1. Mix all of the tortilla ingredients in a small bowl. Let the batter sit for 10 minutes so the coconut flour can soak up some of the moisture, and then whisk again. The batter should be runnier than that of pancakes, about the same as a crepe batter.
  2. Heat a cast iron or non-stick skillet over medium high heat and spray with olive oil or melted butter. Pour the batter into the pan in a circular motion, making the tortilla about the size of a pancake. Give the pan a little turn with your wrist a few times to help the batter spread out evenly and into a thin layer. Keeping the tortillas thin and small helps to make sure the egg taste doesn’t overpower the tacos.
  3. Let the tortilla cook on the first side for about a minute until it starts to firm up. There won’t be air bubbles like when you’re cooking a pancake. Loosen the sides with a spatula then slide it under and flip the tortilla over. If you can’t get your spatula under, try cooking it just a little longer. Cook on the second side for 30 seconds, then remove and set aside on a plate. Continue cooking the remaining batter, spraying the pan in between.
Add your favourite Paleo fillings and enjoy!!! (I added scallops, home made salsa and guacamole).

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Home Workout Challenge Two

It's the beginning of the weekend, if you are anything like me you love something different and yummy to eat. Try this Ice Cream recipe but first get hot and sweaty by trying home today's home workout! NO EXCUSES!!!! The first step is putting the trainers on.

Home Workout

Complete each exercise for one minute and then rest for two minutes after you have done one round.

Round One

Body weight squats
Sit ups
Jogging on the spot
Star Jumps
Press ups
Rest 2 mins (complete 3-6 rounds depending on your ability)

This Recipe sounds amazing and I am going to try it myself this weekend!

All Natural Almond Butter and Banana Ice Cream

  • 2 fresh, ripe bananas, peeled
  • ¾ cup almond butter, smooth or crunchy
  • 1 + ½ cups of coconut or Almond Milk
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla essence
  • Handful of chopped almonds for garnish

Place bananas, almond butter, milk and vanilla in a blender and blend until smooth.

Transfer liquid (it will be the consistency of a smoothie - and could also be enjoyed this way) into a container and store it in the freezer for 1 to 2 hours.

Note: Because this ice "cream" does not actually contain cream, if you freeze it for more than 1 or 2 hours (depending on the temperature of your freezer) it will freeze like ice and become rock hard.  To avoid chipping your tooth, best to freeze the mixture for a shorter duration, until desired consistency is achieved.

Scoop almond butter and banana ice cream into serving bowls and top with scattered nuts.


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Home Workout Challenge One: Try this home workout and recipe!!!!

Is the cold stopping you from getting outdoors or to the gym? Don't stress because you won't need a gym for this work out.

Time yourself (depending on your ability you may want to do one round, two rounds or even five rounds. Rest One minute after each round.

Home Workout Challenge #1

100 Star Jumps
50 Sit ups
20 Tricep Dips using a chair
15 squats
20 Lunges each leg
5 Push ups
30 Second Plank

After this workout try this recipe. It is quick and easy, can be used for breakfast/lunch/or dinner.
*Note; meat will need to be marinaded for two hours.

Chicken Kebabs



Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Day 30: The Beginning Of My Journey

Ok so I am at my last day of the Paleo/CrossFit challenge but I feel like this is not the end for me it is only the beginning. I have learned so much about myself, The Paleo diet, my health and what my body can handle over the past 30 days that it has motivated me to continue on this journey. Over the past 30 days I have had absolutely no sugar, only natural sugars derived from fruits. I have eaten all natural foods with no perservatives. I have increased the amount of green vegetables I eat daily and the amount of food I consume daily. I am eating more of the good stuff which makes me need less of the bad stuff! I am stronger physically and mentally in my training and I have become more positive about body image.

I am someone who has always been into sport, in particular the last two years I have been into the gym and lifting weights. Last year I was playing rugby, netball and sevens all at the same time and would sometimes have up to three trainings a day (gym and conditioning included). Due to poor diet choices and over training I never made any results physically and was always mentally drained. I found it hard to sustain this lifestyle and I don't recommend it to anyone who is working full time.

After a burnout I made a new years resolution this year which I more or less stick to (sometimes I train twice in holidays and weekends). I now train once a day and it is a quality training every time (usually CrossFit, a run, spin class or a strength session in the gym). I have one to two rest days a week and on those days I do light training (either yoga, a technique session or practice). I have a healthier and cleaner diet than I ever have before and I view food in a different way now. More as nourishment to my working body rather than a reward. In the past 30 days I have made more results than I have in my several years of trying different sports/types of training.

I recommend CrossFit to people who lack motivation as it is addictive and the people are great. There are so many positives to the type of training if you do it wisely with very few negatives. CrossFit is social, fun, and rewarding in many ways. The Paleo Diet really fits well with the CrossFit type training.

This challenge is one of the best things I have done in my life. It has helped me to learn a lot about myself. I cannot wait to continue my CrossFit/Paleo journey and begin a new adventure in Perth!!! (I will definitely be having a few treats here and there and a few going away parties haha).

When I began the challenge I posted a research article on the benefits of the Paleo Diet (see list below). I can tell you with honestly and dignity that I can tick each and every one of those off! I am SOLD!!! I love this lifestyle. However I am going to finish with a quote that I read in the Good Health Magazine tonight and I think it was meant to be... 'If you constantly restrict yourself from certain foods you'll eventually binge; it's not sustainable. It's about BALANCE!!!' *stay tuned to my blog for new and exciting recipes, success stories from people living the Paleo Lifestyle, and information on home workouts/fitness you can do anywhere. SO NO EXCUSES!!!

Advantages of The Paleo Diet
  •       Weight loss
  • ·      Improved mood
  • ·      Increase in lean muscle mass
  • ·      Increase in energy
  • ·      Improved digestion
  • ·      Clear skin
  • ·      More efficient workouts
  • ·      Stable blood sugar
  • ·      Decreased allergies
  • ·      Improved sleep
  • ·      Less inflammation
Daily Food Intake (shared lunch in class today and craving carbs!!! Hard work!)
*I must have not eaten enough yesterday as I woke up many times through the night thinking about food and starving! Today I aim to not go to bed hungry.

Breakfast: Pan Fried Fish, Fried Greens, 1/4 Avocado
Snack: 1/2 piece of Paleo Bread with 1 teaspoon of Almond butter, 1 small mandarin
Lunch: 1 cup fried greens (made at breakfast time), 1 can Sealord Smoked Tuna, 1 Raw mixed nuts
Snack: Palm size salmon
Post WOD: Protein Shake with water
Dinner: I had the best day ever and to top it off I came home to a beautifully cooked meal from my lovely mother! Salmon Kebab, Roast kumara and steamed veggies. My favourite!!! I love Salmon Kebabs.

Here are some pictures of the end of the challenge. I am not a fan of them but I think it's important to put them up so you can see the progress! I must say todays WOD 'Death by DU's' was literally death!!!

This is me and my sister. Thin but not toned/strong

This is me at probably my thinest. I was about 48kg and not very well.

My new shoes that arrived today!! Custom colours and have been waiting weeks for them!

Pictures today! Day 30! Hate my injured shoulder that droops! haha

Body Fat Results over the challenge! This is not a true reading as the only true reading of BF that you can get is a hydrostatic weigh. This is just a guide and has been done consistently. Same time of the day, Day 1, Day 15 and Day 30.

Death By DU's! No explanation needed!

This is me a couple of years ago. Probably at my heaviest but still happy :) Goals change though and people change!

Monday, 24 June 2013

Day 29: Focus On Being Healthy. The Rest Is A Bonus!

By now many of you would have started making some good results, mentally and physically. Some of you may have lost a bit of weight if that was your goal. If so well done :). What I want to stress though is to focus on being healthy/strong rather than skinny! Often once you have made some good results you can plateau which makes you want to work harder or try something different. This can often lead to overdrive. Over training, under eating and becoming discouraged.

I'd just like to say that all of the CrossFitters who have started the challenge are looking great! You are definitely my motivation.
Here is a good link that was great motivation for me! I recommend you read it.

Daily Food Intake

Breakfast: Smoked Salmon, fried greens, 1/4 avocado.
Post WOD snack: Protein shake with water.
Snack: 1 teaspoon of cashew butter
Lunch: Paleo Seafood Chowder (froze left overs from the weekend for lunches). 1 cup of green beans
Snack: 5 grapes, mandarin.
Dinner: Baked fish, baked kumara and pumpkin, steamed broccoli, cauliflower and leeks.

I saw this great breakfast idea on a website today. I can't eat capsicum but for those of you who can this is an awesome idea!

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Day 28: Part Of Me.

They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit well this lifestyle feels like a part of me now. My friends are use to it, my family is use to it and I am use to it, so why stop after 30 days? This is a good question I asked myself and reflected on today. I feel happy, healthy and positive about CrossFit and Paleo so why ruin a good thing by going back? This brings me to my next point, from my personal experience too much of a good thing is never a good thing! I enjoy living a balanced life where I have treat days and nights out with my friends. I have developed great habits through this challenge and I am going to continue those. I think the best thing it is teaching me is I can trust my will power. If I have a night out once in a while or a treat meal I can easily get back on the wagon. We are only human right? If I can do it once I can do it again!

I think it is important to finish by saying again what motivates you? Having a rest day from training makes me even more motivated to train the next day. If I have a treat meal I feel even more determined to eat healthy for another week. You need to do what works best for you and practice that will power you have developed regularly or you will lose it.

Today was a great day! Finally achieved my goal of 50 DU's!! I did the benchmark workout Annie and last time I did it it took me 13 minutes or so (this was taking a single jump between each double under), today with doing Du's properly it took me 8mins. I am also getting much lower in my overhead squat! Its such a good feeling to focus on the small changes and celebrate them.

Daily Food Intake 

Breakfast: Paleo Crepes, with 1/4 cup berries, 1 teaspoon almond butter and 1 piece of bacon. (See recipe in recipe section)
Post WOD snack: Protein shake in water
Lunch: Fried zucchini, mushrooms and brussel sprouts, canned salmon, 1/4 avocado
Snack: 10 Raw mixed nuts, 1/2 small kumara
Dinner: Coconut Thai chicken soup, 1/2 piece of Paleo Bread (pizza base recipe)

Some Snaps Of Today

Breakfast/Results/Paleo Blackberry Bars (ready for day 31)

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Day 27: Get to Know Your Three 'H's

This post on the three 'H's is very timely being a weekend. In the weekends most of us have more time on our hands, we are more social, and around tempting foods more often. It is important to get to know your three 'H's, Hunger, Hydration and Habit.

Hunger: Hunger is when you are actually hungry, when you could eat anything even if it is something undesirable. 
Hydration: Sometimes when we feel hungry it's due to dehydration, so if you just recently ate or it isn't a time you would usually eat have a drink of water first. Then if you are still hungry ten minutes later you could really be hungry.
Habit: This is one for me! I eat pretty much the same time every day and I have five small meals regardless of whether I am hungry or not. Listen to your body and wait for that first sign of hunger before eating because you may be consuming more energy than your body needs to. 

Daily Food Intake

Today was really hard! It was cold, miserable weather, the weekend, I was tired and craving bad foods but I stuck it out. I also nearly got 50 DUs!!! (45 to be exact before I had to go! Frustrating but 5 more to go and I can tick another box). Ahhh the small things in life.

Breakfast: Smoked salmon, fried leeks, zucchini and brussel sprouts. 2 Teaspoons of paleo pesto.
Post WOD snack: Protein shake. (1/4 cup blueberries, 3 tablespoons of protein, 150ml of almond milk, 1 cup of spinach, 4 cubes of ice).
Lunch: Left over Paleo Seafood chowder with added beans and spinach.
Dinner: Pan fried fish, kumara mash (seasoned with garlic and mixed herbs), green veggies garnished with Paleo pesto, lemon juice and crispy kumara skins (see photo).

Friday, 21 June 2013

Day 26:Left Motivated!!!

Not many words today just some motivation! Started the day with an awesome CrossFit session and left it feeling pumped and motivated to get better!! So I gathered some pics together for fun. Keep scrolling down.

Daily Food Intake 

Breakfast: Left over greens from last night, chicken breast, 1 teaspoon of almond butter.
Snack: Small piece of fresh salmon
Lunch: 1/2 a small kumara, can of smoked tuna, 1 cup of spinach and 1 cup of green beans.
Snack: 1 teaspoon of almond butter, celery and 10 raw mixed nuts (I need to count these so I don't over consume).
Dinner: Paleo seafood chowder (see recipe in recipe section).

Paleo Seafood Chowder. I didn't add the bacon but I am sure it would be beautiful with it!! It was very tasty and definitely a good change from curry.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Day 25: Sleep Deprivation is Dangerous!

What's your go to when you are tired? Chocolate? Potato chips? Bread? Any carbs you can get your hands on? This is why sleep deprivation is dangerous! There is a reason for all of these cravings though so don't get discouraged. When your body is deprived of sleep you produce more of the hormone ghrenlin (the hormone that makes you want to eat) and less of the hormone leptin (the hormone that tells you to stop eating) which initiates carbohydrate cravings. Therefore it is important to get adequate amounts of sleep to avoid giving into those cravings. Sleep is not only important for fat loss, it is also crucial for muscle growth and recovery, good memory function, stabilised moods, quality immune function, good stress response and general well-being.

I know what some of you may be thinking 'easier said than done' right? Well I am one of those people who thought the same thing when I first read about the link between sleep and performance. Studies show we should be getting between 7-9 hours sleep a night but if you want to make some serious gains as an athlete you need to be sleeping more in the 9-10hour bracket (don't think my 6 hours will cut it somehow haha). For many of you I realise this is not possible but to improve performance and fat loss begin to make sleep a priority. Just like nutrition and exercise, good sleeping habits take practice and perseverance so don't give up yet!

Tips To Improve Sleeping Patterns

  • Avoid caffeine after lunch.
  • Avoid having a large meal and alcohol 3 hours before bed.
  • Avoid long naps during the day-stick to 20minutes max.
  • Avoid training in the morning if it compromises precious sleeping time. Stick to afternoons unless you are getting 7-8hours sleep a night. (An article used the analogy that you wouldn't deprive your body of food and water so why deprive it from quality sleeping time)?
  • Switch off TVs, phones, laptops or anything with an electronic screen 1/2 a hour- an hour before bed. 
  • Keep your room dark quiet and cool. 
  • Eat well and exercise. 
I find that developing good sleeping habits is my biggest barrier to my training. This is the one aspect that needs the most work for me before I can progress in other areas. But we have to start somewhere and just like nutrition and exercise I need to begin with small steps and see what works best for me. Soon you will notice the changes as long as you commit to it daily. 

Here is a link to an article on sleeping for performance...

Yoga was cancelled this morning due to the teacher being ill and after a good sleep I felt refreshed so I got a CrossFit session in this morning.

My Daily Food Intake Today (Had some bad carbohydrate cravings!!!!!)

Breakfast: Smoked Salmon, fried greens.
Post WOD: Protein shake with water and a kiwifruit.
Snack: Handful of mixed raw nuts, 1 piece of paleo bread (made out of the pizza base in the recipe section)
Lunch: left over stew from the other nights dinner with added fried greens.
Snack: 1 Teaspoon of Almond butter (I could have eaten it out of the jar) Celery, 5 cashews.
Dinner: Lemon Glazed Salmon with paleo pesto (see recipe in recipe section), Roast kumara, beans, brussel sprouts, tomatoes mushrooms and onion. Full of flavour!

Here are some snaps of the WOD and some of the chaos that went on in the box. 

Dinner tonight! Fridge packed full of veggies

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Day 24: Push Past The Winter Blues.

It is winter. It is cold. Everyone is getting sick. The fire is going at home. How easy would it be to just stay at home, miss that CrossFit session and eat some comfort food? TOO EASY I say! 'If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you'. So put those shoes on, step out the door and face the challenge. After that come home and eat a nutritious meal packed with protein and vegetables and feel very proud of yourself.

Winter is a hard time of the year for even the most motivated people you know. Every cold evening I try to talk myself out of going to CrossFit and mornings I will try to find any excuse. Then I remind myself excuses don't get results. Winter is temporary! If you can get through the winter blues with a consistent healthy diet and regular exercise you can get through anything!

Over the next two days I am having light training days. I am feeling sore and exhausted and need to recharge. So I had a technique session tonight on snatches and I will do power yoga tomorrow at 6am.

My Daily Food Intake Today

Breakfast: Two egg omelette with one piece of bacon and onion. Fried leeks and zucchini.
Snack: Two paleo biscuits
Lunch: Chicken Curry with Riced Cauliflower (frozen from last weeks dinner). Added spinach and left over greens from this morning.
Snack: Celery 'boat' (see picture) with cashew butter and raw mixed nuts.
Dinner: Baked chicken, kumara, leeks, zucchini, and broccoli.

Care package courtesy of Moana Forbes!!! Thank you! Can't wait to do some baking with it after the challenge. Then below is my celery boat. Getting in the extra greens.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Cant wait to try these after the challenge!!! Paleo Blackberry Bars!

Paleo Blackberry Bars

[made with wild blackberries. gluten free, dairy free, Paleo, and low in sugar]
  • 1 cup coconut flour (shredded coconut blended into powder)
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup NuNaturals Baking Blend (or sugar, agave, maple syrup, honey, whatever you’d like)
  • 2 bananas (about 1 cup)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil, melted (may use olive oil)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2-1 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup blackberries, fresh or frozen (or berry of choice)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8×8 baking pan and set aside.
In a large bowl, mix together the coconut flour, shredded coconut, cinnamon, baking powder and soda, and salt. Add in the NuNaturals Baking Blend or sugar sub, if using, mixing again.
In the same bowl, add in the bananas, eggs, melted coconut oil, vanilla extract, and 1/4 cup almond milk. Mix until all ingredients are incorporated, adding in more almond milk, as needed for mixing. Amount of almond milk varies as coconut flour does soak up liquids quickly, and using more or less coconut flour or shredded coconut will change the absorption of liquids. Add in enough almond milk so the batter is the consistency of cookie batter (but will probably be slightly drier).
Fold in the blackberries and spoon the batter into the greased pan. Bake for 40 minutes or until the sides are golden.
Remove from oven and cool. Cut into about 16 squares.

Day 23: One Week To Go!!!

I can't believe that I only have one week of the challenge remaining. I am feeling great. I haven't had a sugar craving for over a week and I feel satisfied by every meal. I have learned to appreciate fresh, and healthy food and I am beginning to be more experimental with different herbs and spices.

If you are feeling a bit low on the challenge and feeling a bit deprived here are some tips for you...

  • Create a food journal and reflect back on all of the GREAT choices you have made and be proud of yourself.
  • Look back on your food journal and highlight the meals you really enjoyed. Plan to make them again over the next few days.
  • Search a new recipe and give it a go.
  • Keep a gratitude journal for the challenge, paying close attention to all the positive changes you are noticing. When you are feeling down, remind yourself of these changes.
  • Go to a CrossFit session, for a run or whatever exercise you enjoy to take your mind off things. I guarantee you will feel fab after the release of the feel good hormone endorphins.

My Daily Intake Today

Breakfast: Fresh Salmon, fried leeks, and brussel sprouts with fresh garlic.
Snack: 1 piece of Paleo 'bread' (small pizza base in recipe section)
Lunch: Roasted kumara, spinach and Coconut Cashew Cauliflower mash (left over dinner from the other night).
Snack: Raw mixed nuts
Post WOD: Protein Shake with water
Dinner: Beef stew cooked in the slow cooker loaded with green veggies and kumara (perfect for a winters night).

Tonight was a great night!!!! I got a new PB on my power clean!! 45kg! Body weight clean here I come!

Getting Reading for a Power Jerk

Power Jerk 3 at 40kg x3

Good Form by Bridge! Too Easy!

The Shorties!!! Monday and Tuesday Night Lifting Buddies

Tonights Session


  Getting Ready to  Split Jerk

Monday, 17 June 2013

Day 22: Never Give Up!!

There's that saying that goes 'never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about.' You will regret giving into a craving but you will never regret making a good choice that brings you closer to achieving your goals. Keep up the positive talk and enjoy beating every craving you get because it's only 'training' your will power to become stronger. Excuses don't get results but hard work does!

My Daily Intake Today

Breakfast: Green Tea, Fried tomato, leeks and zucchinni. Fresh Salmon.
Snack: Handful of raw mixed nuts
Lunch: 3/4 cup Kumara and Coconut soup with fresh prawns and one cup of green beans.
Snack: Mandarin/cottage cheese
Post WOD: Protein Shake with Almond Milk
Dinner: Orange roughy fish fillet, roasted yams, kumara and parsnip. Broccoli and cauliflower.

Talking about tonights CrossFit session we did 8 sets of 3 deadlifts. I was doing 80kg without realising! That is 3kg more than my 1RM!!!!!! Great feeling. 

80kg Deadlift! Then 45 at 70 after that for the WOD! DEATH!

Breakfast/WOD/Deadlifts/Lifting Buddy

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Day 21: Celebrate the Good!!!

Everybody has their ups and downs but the good news is both are temporary!!! It would be awesome to have great days every day but that's just not reality, so remember be grateful for the good days and enjoy them!

I love the weekends and most are good for me :), so it's fair to say I have had two wonderful days! I did a good training today practicing my snatch technique, overhead squats and double unders. I finished with a 15 AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) WOD of 5 pull ups, 10 pushups and 15 squats. Hard work!!! I got to the 10th round.

Now for the bad.. I stupidly ate Tofu today because I just assumed it's Paleo however it isn't! But no stress :). I will just have to do an extra day on the challenge.

My Food Intake Today

Breakfast: One poached egg and one piece of bacon with fried mushrooms, leeks, tomatoes and spinach on 'toast'. (I used the pizza base recipe in the recipe section to make small pieces of 'bread'. I then froze the rest for when I need them).
Snack-Post WOD: Protein shake with water.
Lunch: Baked green beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts and onion with an olive oil vinegarettre. (Tablespoon of olive oil, 1 crushed clove of garlic and 1 teaspoon of cumin.) Topped with cooked Tofu (first time I have tried this, didn't know it wasn't paleo).
Snack: Apple, walnuts
Dinner: Fresh Baked Salmon, Spinach, 1/2 medium kumara and Cauliflower cashew coconut mash. (See in recipe section).

Breakfast This Morning

Day 20: Reward Yourself!

There is nothing like achieving goals!!! It feels so good that you want to reward yourself and often it is with things that would be going against your goals, like food, a night out or a lazy day away from training. Whatever you reward yourself with, learn to do it with things that align with your goals. For example if you have money stress and you reward yourself with shopping when you achieve your goals, it is just going to create more stress. Or if you are trying to lose weight yet you reward yourself with a binge on chocolate every time you drop a couple of kgs, eventually this is going to lead you right back where you started. I'm not saying don't reward yourself! I AM SAYING DO!!! but find something that is going to continue to help you achieve your goals. It might be a massage, a day away from the kids, a beautiful coffee at you favourite coffee shop or a new piece of gym gear. 

I personally find that the intrinsic reward is enough but whatever motivates you continue it!

My Daily Food Intake

Breakfast: Black Coffee, One egg omelette with mushrooms and 1/2 a chicken breast. Leeks, zucchini, and brussel sprouts.
Snack (post spin and WOD): Protein shake, Paleo Biscuit, 1/2 chicken breast.
Lunch: Baby spinach, Salmon, mushrooms, zucchini and onion.
Snack: 2 Tablespoons of cottage cheese, Celery sticks
Dinner: Chilli squid

Kipping Pull Ups-One of my goals

Friday, 14 June 2013

Day 19: I've Lost Count!!!

I am in such a routine and feeling well nourished it feels as though I have lost count for when the 30day challenge is up! There are so many recipes, research articles, daily tips and much more out there that support the Paleo Lifestyle, I feel like I could adopt it for!!! I am absolutely loving the way it makes me feel training wise, I am sleeping better and I feel generally happier. I am a true advocate for anyone who would love to give it a try. Just like anything in life it takes practice, perseverance and time! Don't be scared give it a go if you haven't already!

The best part about the challenge is the positive feedback and support I have had regarding this blog. Daily I have people saying to me, 'try this recipe and put it on your blog' or 'thanks so much for doing your blog it has given me great tips' etc. The people around you are your best resource at times, it's just a matter of surrounding yourself with the ones who will encourage rather than discourage.

I want to thank all my great friends who have been supportive and encouraging and a MASSIVE special thanks to Lauren and the Nelson CrossFit crew for all their tips, recipe ideas and positive feedback. It all goes a long way!

The best recipe I heard today was from Jillian (thanks Jilly)

1/2 cup of chia seeds
1 cup of coconut milk
2 Tablespoons of Whey protein

Place chia seeds in a bowl
Mix Protein and Coconut milk in a shaker or blender
Add coconut mix to chia seeds
Leave to soak for up to 3 hours in the fridge.

This would make for a great pudding or breakfast as you get the goodness of the chia seeds with a beautiful taste.

Here is a link to an article outlining the benefits of Chia Seeds

My Daily Intake Today

Breakfast: Brussel sprouts, Leeks, Zucchini and mushrooms with smoked salmon.
Post WOD: Protein shake with water, Paleo Biscuit
Snack: Apple
Lunch: 1 cup of pumpkin soup with 1 cup of green beans and fresh prawns mixed in.
Snack: Raw mixed nuts, Celery and cottage cheese.
Dinner: Smoked Tuna Salad (Ale House) Beautiful salad, however don't know what was in it so would use as a 'cheat meal' on a usual occasion.

Overhead Squats this morning! Still need to get lower.

WOD and Dinner!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Day 18: Take Small Steps towards 100% Commitment

Living the Paleo Lifestyle takes 100% commitment. It doesn't just start and end with nutrition. A diet change can get great results but after a while you will find your body adapts to the change and you will hit a plateau. Then you will need to add an exercise regime, but in time if you don't make changes to that you will also hit a plateau. You may have perfect nutrition matched with adequate exercise but live a stressful lifestyle and are not seeing results. If this is the case adopting stress release techniques may be what you need. If you want to see great results it is going to take 100% commitment. Some people cope well with diving into the deep end and making rash changes and others don't. If you are someone who doesn't, take small steps, start with one aspect of your life and then when you feel like you have that sorted move to the next. Be kind to yourself and celebrate the small changes you have made rather than wallowing over the ones you feel you need to make.

Considerations to adopting a healthy lifestyle may include

  • Improving nutrition
  • Cutting back on stress
  • Increasing quality exercise
  • improving social situations (i.e, surrounding yourself with people who lift you up, rather than the opposite)
  • Improving sleep hygiene (i.e, developing a good sleeping routine)
  • Cutting back on alcohol
  • Developing a positive attitude
Whatever it is that needs to be changed for you to live optimally take small, easy steps to getting there. Remember good things take time :).

My Food Intake Today (NO SALMON HAHA)

Breakfast: Two egg omelette with one piece of bacon and mushrooms. Brussel sprouts and zucchini.
Post Power Yoga: One Tablespoon of protein powder with water.
Snack: Apple, nuts (raw mixed nuts)
Lunch: Coconut Thai soup (see recipe in recipe section)
Snack: Paleo Biscuit
Dinner: Pumpkin Coconut Cashew Curry over Coconut Rice (AMAZING! Recipe in recipe section)

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Day 17: Variety is Important

Now I am over half way through the challenge I am beginning to get a bit sick of some of the things I am eating. For motivational purposes ensuring you eat a variety of different foods is really important. Due to lack of time I find it difficult to try new recipes and get that variety which I am sure many of you can relate to. This weekend I am going to dedicate a day to making food and freezing it so that I can stay motivated for the remainder of the challenge.

A good way to ensure you are getting a variety is to eat fruit and vegetables that are in season.

Adding a variety is also beneficial for preventing food intolerance's. If you eat too much of a food your body can begin to reject it. Some signs and symptoms of a food intolerance can include, nausea, stomach cramps, eczema, skin rashes, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, acid reflux and nasal congestion. Nuts and eggs are two of the most common foods that people become intolerant to along with chocolate, dairy, gluten and shellfish.

Here is a link to an article explaining food intolerance.

My Food Intake Today (grocery day)

Breakfast: Leeks, zucchini, and baby spinach. Smoked salmon. 1 Teaspoon of cashew butter
Snack: Apple
Lunch: 1/2 cup kumara, and yams. 1 cup of baby spinach. Fresh salmon
Snack: Paleo Biscuit (pre-strength training)
Post strength training: Protein shake, Paleo Biscuit
Dinner: Fresh Salmon cutlet (OK maybe went overboard with salmon today but I LOVE it)! Leeks, zucchini, brussel sprouts with tomato sauce. Tomato sauce made with tomatoes, onion, basil, garlic and mushrooms. AMAZING!

Looking forward to bacon and eggs for breakfast tomorrow :). Love Paleo!!!

Strength Training Session

6 x 6 Dead lifts at 60kg, super set with 6 x 6 push press at 30kg

6 x 6 Pull ups 

6 x 6 Squats at 50kg, super set with 6 x 6 BW tricep dips

Lastly..... KIPPING PULL UPS!!! Finally got the rhythm. Proof that you need to practice, practice and PRACTICE. 

Those of you who have been looking for the magic pill here it is....

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Day 16: Supplement or Not to Supplement?

I thought I would write a post about different supplements because this can be a questionable subject for many. Personally I think if you are eating the right foods, sleeping well, not living a stressful lifestyle and having adequate rest and recovery you should not need to supplement. However this is not the case for many people, a lot of people are stressed with life's daily demands, high amounts of exercise and not getting enough sleep.

Supplements that support the Paleo Lifestyle

Fish Oil: Decreases inflammation in the body and helps with depression and anxiety through reduction of the stress response hormone cortisol. Fish oil also assists with activating fat burning genes and muscle protein synthesis.

Magnesium: Magnesium supports healthy sleep patterns and the nervous system. It has been known to treat insomnia, depression and migraines. A lot of people are deficient in magnesium because it is hard to get adequate amounts through food. If you live a busy, stressful lifestyle magnesium might be the supplement for you.

Zinc: A lot of people are also deficient in zinc. You can get a zinc test done at your local pharmacy. Optimal amounts of zinc can improve athletic performance and strength, Support male and female reproductive health and fertility, prevent cancer and improve immune function, improve cardiovascular health, prevent diabetes, boost brain function and elevate mood. 

Here is a link to great article about zinc

Whey Protein: I believe that all nutrients should be consumed through foods rather than meal replacements or supplements but as mentioned earlier with life's daily demands this can not always be manageable. If you are undergoing high amounts of exercise that puts stress on your body supplementing with whey protein shortly after a workout can help aid muscle recovery. Whey protein can help you to lose fat and preserve muscle, increase muscle mass and strength, reduce cravings, and improve the immune system.

My Food Intake Today (I could have eaten anything)

Breakfast: Smoked Salmon, fried greens, 1/4 avocado
Snack: 2 mandarins, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese mixed together sprinkled with cinnamon.
Lunch: Tuna, 1 cup of green beans, 1 paleo biscuit.
Snack: handful of raw mixed nuts
Post WOD: 2 tablespoons of whey protein, 100ml of unsweetened almond milk.
Dinner: Chicken stir-fry with 1 and a half cups of kumara

I did not eat enough during the day so I needed heaps of kumara at night. Tomorrow I will take some carbohydrates for lunch to see if this makes a difference.

Today I got my half way body fats done! I have dropped 1 and a half % which is awesome for only 15 days! Bring on the rest of the challenge.