A good way to ensure you are getting a variety is to eat fruit and vegetables that are in season.
Adding a variety is also beneficial for preventing food intolerance's. If you eat too much of a food your body can begin to reject it. Some signs and symptoms of a food intolerance can include, nausea, stomach cramps, eczema, skin rashes, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, acid reflux and nasal congestion. Nuts and eggs are two of the most common foods that people become intolerant to along with chocolate, dairy, gluten and shellfish.
Here is a link to an article explaining food intolerance.
My Food Intake Today (grocery day)
Breakfast: Leeks, zucchini, and baby spinach. Smoked salmon. 1 Teaspoon of cashew butter
Snack: Apple
Lunch: 1/2 cup kumara, and yams. 1 cup of baby spinach. Fresh salmon
Snack: Paleo Biscuit (pre-strength training)
Post strength training: Protein shake, Paleo Biscuit
Dinner: Fresh Salmon cutlet (OK maybe went overboard with salmon today but I LOVE it)! Leeks, zucchini, brussel sprouts with tomato sauce. Tomato sauce made with tomatoes, onion, basil, garlic and mushrooms. AMAZING!
Looking forward to bacon and eggs for breakfast tomorrow :). Love Paleo!!!
Strength Training Session
6 x 6 Dead lifts at 60kg, super set with 6 x 6 push press at 30kg
6 x 6 Pull ups
6 x 6 Squats at 50kg, super set with 6 x 6 BW tricep dips
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