Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Day 23: One Week To Go!!!

I can't believe that I only have one week of the challenge remaining. I am feeling great. I haven't had a sugar craving for over a week and I feel satisfied by every meal. I have learned to appreciate fresh, and healthy food and I am beginning to be more experimental with different herbs and spices.

If you are feeling a bit low on the challenge and feeling a bit deprived here are some tips for you...

  • Create a food journal and reflect back on all of the GREAT choices you have made and be proud of yourself.
  • Look back on your food journal and highlight the meals you really enjoyed. Plan to make them again over the next few days.
  • Search a new recipe and give it a go.
  • Keep a gratitude journal for the challenge, paying close attention to all the positive changes you are noticing. When you are feeling down, remind yourself of these changes.
  • Go to a CrossFit session, for a run or whatever exercise you enjoy to take your mind off things. I guarantee you will feel fab after the release of the feel good hormone endorphins.

My Daily Intake Today

Breakfast: Fresh Salmon, fried leeks, and brussel sprouts with fresh garlic.
Snack: 1 piece of Paleo 'bread' (small pizza base in recipe section)
Lunch: Roasted kumara, spinach and Coconut Cashew Cauliflower mash (left over dinner from the other night).
Snack: Raw mixed nuts
Post WOD: Protein Shake with water
Dinner: Beef stew cooked in the slow cooker loaded with green veggies and kumara (perfect for a winters night).

Tonight was a great night!!!! I got a new PB on my power clean!! 45kg! Body weight clean here I come!

Getting Reading for a Power Jerk

Power Jerk 3 at 40kg x3

Good Form by Bridge! Too Easy!

The Shorties!!! Monday and Tuesday Night Lifting Buddies

Tonights Session


  Getting Ready to  Split Jerk

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