Saturday, 15 June 2013

Day 20: Reward Yourself!

There is nothing like achieving goals!!! It feels so good that you want to reward yourself and often it is with things that would be going against your goals, like food, a night out or a lazy day away from training. Whatever you reward yourself with, learn to do it with things that align with your goals. For example if you have money stress and you reward yourself with shopping when you achieve your goals, it is just going to create more stress. Or if you are trying to lose weight yet you reward yourself with a binge on chocolate every time you drop a couple of kgs, eventually this is going to lead you right back where you started. I'm not saying don't reward yourself! I AM SAYING DO!!! but find something that is going to continue to help you achieve your goals. It might be a massage, a day away from the kids, a beautiful coffee at you favourite coffee shop or a new piece of gym gear. 

I personally find that the intrinsic reward is enough but whatever motivates you continue it!

My Daily Food Intake

Breakfast: Black Coffee, One egg omelette with mushrooms and 1/2 a chicken breast. Leeks, zucchini, and brussel sprouts.
Snack (post spin and WOD): Protein shake, Paleo Biscuit, 1/2 chicken breast.
Lunch: Baby spinach, Salmon, mushrooms, zucchini and onion.
Snack: 2 Tablespoons of cottage cheese, Celery sticks
Dinner: Chilli squid

Kipping Pull Ups-One of my goals

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